About Us
Our Story
SDM is founde in March, 2018 and fully operated in August, 2018. We aim to provide trainings, facilitations and consultancy services to strengthen the organizations and develop the staffs’ capacity of CSOs, LNGOs, INGOs and Gos.
Our Vision
Synergetic Dream and Management (SDM) is standing as a nationally recognized organization which contribute in sustainable development of Myanmar.
Our Mission
Synergetic Dream and Management (SDM) conduct effective result-based trainings, facilitation, consultancy services and research for organization and staffs which contribute in sustainable development of Myanmar.
Our Value
All Our services have following values.
- Genuineness
- Result Oriented
- Innovation
Our Approaches
- We use Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) to maximize learning of participants.
- We develope by Result Based Training Planning.
- We monitor and evaluate the training by using Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model.
- We develope the curriculum and design the training by using these three theories and deliver by Facilitation Skills as Value Added.
Training Theories !
Experiential Learning Theory (ELT)
ELT is the most famous theory among Adult Learning Theories. David Kolb found and proposed the theory on 1984. According to the theory, Adult learns through 4 Stages of Learning; Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and Active Experimentation (AE). SDM believe that “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”.
Result Based Training Planning
The model was developed by SDM based on our experience of developing training lesson plan to focus on result of the training. We crafted the training lesson plan to achieve the Result that can be useful in associate work and daily life.
Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation Model
SDM used this model to monitor and evaluate the training.
- Reaction : SDM take written feedbacks and evaluation in every training.
- Learning : SDM conduct Pre & Post-test in every training to analyze participants learning.
- Impact : SDM try to access application learning points.
- Result : SDM encourage Organization to evaluate the result or “Return on Investment”.